Insights that could save you millions

This simple ROI calculation can help elevate your workforce, and provide insights that could save you millions. Request a demo below.
By spending just 15 minutes with our team to review our ROI Calculator, you'll gain a comprehensive analysis of the following:


Understand the full financial impact of relying on overtime, bonuses, incentive pay, and travel nurses, including hidden costs and inefficiencies.

Workforce Optimization

Evaluate the frequency and implications of overstaffing and understaffing within your facility, and highlight areas for improvement.

Revenue Opportunities

Identify how often revenue is lost due to understaffing and calculate the potential increase in revenue through a flexible
workforce model to share with your leadership team.

Saving with CareRev's Marketplace

Discover the substantial cost savings and operational benefits of utilizing a pool of credentialed nurses in your community ready to fill shifts on demand.
This analysis highlights the financial benefits of utilizing CareRev’s platform to enhance patient care, reduce burnout among permanent staff, and increase overall operational efficiency.

Our flexible workplace platform is a strategic investment in your facility’s future, closing the care gap by providing a more sustainable, cost-effective, resilient, and patient-centered approach.

Request a demo today for a comprehensive analysis of revenue opportunities and potential savings.

Request a demo of our ROI calculator